Many online marketing experts tell people they have to have a fast-action bonus package to get anybody to buy anything.  

Or worse, they say you have to discount your offers or give fast action or early bird discounts.  

Not true. 

I used to do early bird discounts on my programs. I stopped doing that years ago. And my income has 10x since then. 😉 Discounting is usually a result of not believing people will buy at regular price.  

Do I ever put stuff on sale? Yes, but a sale has a different motivation behind it. 

But let’s get back to giving bonuses. There’s a time and a place to give bonuses. And it’s a myth that more bonuses is better. 

I’ll set the record straight in a minute.  

And before you get yourself all wound up thinking… 

I don’t have anything to give as a bonus.

Stop. You have a lot to offer. You’ll see. 

So here are my loose rules for giving bonuses with an offer. (And rules can be broken.)

  • Only give when inspired to give.

  • Don’t give anything that’ll suck up your time and make you resent giving it.

  • 1:1 clients don’t need bonuses. Build perks into their package.

  • It’s not about quantity or dollar value. Focus on quality.

  • Create hot names for your bonuses and take the time to describe them so people truly understand their value.

  • Give bonuses soooo hot, clients might buy just for the bonus. 

And the most important rule I’ve learned from my mentors is that the best bonuses help your potential clients overcome objections to investing in your offer. 

As an example, when I offer my Launch Your Money Maker mentoring program, one of the biggest objections to buying is that potential clients don’t know what would be their “money-making offer.” 

So I offer a special call to help them nail it down before the program officially begins! I also give them a bonus course on how to create an online program. 😉 

Here’s an example of putting some deep thought into a bonus package. I believe it’s my most abundant in terms of the outcome you’ll receive. It’s also the most bonuses I’ve ever given… I usually give about 3–5 different bonuses. But the number doesn’t matter. One really thought-out bonus can be the lynchpin to getting lots of yeses. 

The bonus package below is for people who invested in Christian Mickelsen’s Big Money Business Coach Training and Certification Program through my link. I’ve been promoting Christian and masterminding with him for almost a decade and totally believe in what he delivers… he’s helped me 10x my income since the first time I met him, so I wanted to go all out with my bonuses. 

As you read through the bonuses, notice how I give things that are of high value, help clients overcome objections to saying yes to what they want, and offer products that will be easy for me to deliver. (Everything but the live coaching has already been created, so it’s not extra work for me. And I love doing the coaching.) 

—> Bonus #1: I’m coaching YOU for 90 days! ($5,000 value)

After 90 days with Christian in Big Money Business Coach, I’ll be by your side for 3 more months! You’ll get monthly live group mentor calls, plus a 24/7 on-demand coaching forum to 10x the power of your strategies and mindset and get kickass results for the rest of the year! BAM! 

—> Bonus #2: $10k in 10 Days Intensive ($2,000 value)

Make BIG money anytime you want! You’ll release your upper wealth limits to attract $10,000 in 10 days or less. Or make $100,000 in 5 days like others in this program have done to instantly attract clients. You’ll receive 10 super-charged videos, 4 live coaching calls with me, and a 24/7 on-demand coaching forum throughout this 30-day virtual event. 

—> Bonus #3: “That’s How You Do It” 6-Figure Program Swipe Files! ($10,000 value) 

Once you fill your biz with high-paying 1:1 clients, you’ll want to offer a program to serve many clients at once. To make that easy, here’s everything I used to create a $360,000 program launch with zero videos. You’ll get all of my email, opt-in, and sales copy plus my webinar scripts. The whole enchilada! 

—> Bonus #4: $360,000 Live Launch Debrief ($2,000 value)

I’m doing a special live VIP call to share how I attracted dozens of $10k clients using a free online challenge. I’ll share what worked and what I’d change the next time. Plus, live Q & A with me to leave no stone unturned! 

—> Bonus #5: Accountability Coaching ($1,000 value)

Guaranteed you’ll implement what you learn in Big Money Business Coach with these 3 monthly live calls with my productivity coach to ensure you win! Move past any blocks that keep you from taking money-making actions.  

—> Bonus #6: Ecstatic Marketing Program ($1,000 value)

Release the headaches of marketing to get clients and tune in to your Inner Marketing Genius. Grow your list and make record-breaking sales with marketing that’s fun to create and feels good from beginning to end. Kaching-a-ling-a-ling! 

—> Bonus #7: My $75,000 free strategy session script! ($1,000 value)

This is the script that took me years to perfect… and you can tweak it to fit your personality and niche. I’ve used it to enroll my $75,000 private clients and high-end $25,000 masterminds! <- EASY! 

I had to put on my creativity hat and ask my Inner Business Expert to help me make it my best ever. But it’s fun to give a bonus package you know will rock your potential clients’ world.