When you’re sick and tired of not getting important things done or not pulling in enough money, it’s time to play a game.  Games have a masterpeacecoach-ddeb1ff5-5695-4f20-a22c-8adf0e41c57d-v2specific outcome, structure, and rules by which to play.

If you’re ready to stop feeling whiny in a super short time frame, play the “Yes, I Can” game. It’s simple but mighty. The objective of this game is to step into a Rock star CEO mindset and make some crazy cool things happen.

Here’s how you play:

Every time you wish something could be possible in your business, feel like a loser because something isn’t working or make choices in your business from a place of lack, you have to stop and consciously choose your desired outcome instead.

Your Gremlin may attack you by saying …

•    Yea, right. How is that going to happen?
•    You don’t have enough money to make it happen.
•    You don’t have the knowledge or resources.
•    You don’t have enough time to pull that off.

You reply with, “YES. I CAN!”

The next step is to decide if you’re ready to have the desired outcome. Sounds crazy, but maybe you’re not really ready to have what you want. Being honest about it will create relief and clarity.

If you’re not ready, then be at peace with that choice and move onto an outcome you are ready to manifest.

Once you’re focused on something you truly want then it’s time to brainstorm. Whip out a sheet of paper and come up with 10+ answers for each of the following questions …

  1.     Why do I want this?
  2.     How would it impact my world?
  3.     How can I make this super easy? (My most favorite question in biz!)
  4.     Who could support me in making this happen?
  5.     Which inspired actions would get this into motion immediately?

If you want to kick-start your business transformation, take one small step today. Small! This is to increase your mojo and to create momentum.

At this point you’re either going to be totally fired up to win this game or your old habits and stories will want to pull you back into the same ole B.S. Check in with yourself and if you’re not feeling like a Business Owner who can pull  this off … STOP! Everything!

Go look in the mirror with your fiercest face and say, “OH, HELL YES, I CAN DO THIS!” Then laugh about how silly you feel by doing this. Then laugh even more about how crazy it was to act like you are powerless. You’re a rock star and you were just having a bout of amnesia.

It’s important to keep focus on the end game and repeating (and mean it!), “YES I CAN” ! And then get your bootay in action. Prove to yourself you can. Of course you can! You could never have a desire enter your brain unless you have the resources to pull it off.

For the next month, play this game like your business (and life!) depends on it. If all you did was think and act like you could kick a$$, YOU WOULD.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging intention, systems and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: https://masterpeacecoaching.com/freecd