Wanna know the single best way to have moola rolling in and be noticed in your niche?

Hint: it’s an inner game technique.

Make a solid decision that you’ll be able to have what you want, when you want it. Period. The end.

You have to shut the back door on the options you’ve been entertaining that feel scary or hard.

If you want to overspend on your debit cards, don’t give yourself that option.

If you’re sick and tired of taking on clients who don’t pay well, don’t say yes to them. It doesn’t matter how much you want the moola. Just say NO!

Tired of your visibility strategies falling on deaf ears? Don’t implement anything unless you’re really committed to changing your mindset and strategy.

Continue to be visible in ways that feel like a hell yes, even though you need more moola. (Strategies that feel like a chore or uninteresting are wasted time.)

When you allow yourself the option of acting the same way, or doing the same thing, tomorrow, as you did yesterday, nothing will change.

When I first hired a superstar business mentor, I was excited. However, I didn’t know that five of my one-on-one coaching clients would complete their contracts with me in the same month. I began to panic about spending an extra few thousand with him each month.

I really didn’t want to give up my mentor, but I hated scrambling to pay him each month. Finally, I said to myself, “I am not struggling with this anymore. No more worrying that if I pay him, I won’t be able to pay the rest of my team. I’m not going to give myself the option of racking up debt on my business credit card indefinitely.

“I will easily pay this guy every month, in a timely manner. Period, the end!”

I never had a problem paying him after that moment. I shut the back door on all the options that didn’t feel good. I resolved that I’d made up my mind and that was that!


If you have a backup plan for your challenge, it provides peace of mind. But don’t rely on the backup plan. You’re the creator of your outcome and when you respond that way, you manifest your goals.

Be in your power by opening the front door and closing the back door. Don’t let your sneaky head trash convince you that you can’t change your outcome by simply changing your mind.

Use gusto, bravado, and courage when you close those less-than-desirable options behind a steel door you can’t access.

The only ‘what ifs’ you should contemplate are the ones that make you feel like a rockstar.