As a business owner, it’s easy to get sucked into your daily grind or the big fat attention getting projects that put food on the table. However, there are so many other easy and fun things we can do to increase our profits and build great business relationships. I asked my friend, Katrina Sawa, to be our guest expert today and give us some simple ways to grow your business.

My advice is that you set the intention to come up with at least one inspired idea after reading her suggestions and put a twist on it that you’ve never done before. Do it with flair and innovation, while wearing your fun party hat! It’s the feeling behind the action that matters most. =)


Focused on Moneyby Katrina Sawa

Money-Making activities are the #1 thing you should be spending time on in the day-to-day running of your business.

Don’t get caught up doing administrative tasks or time-sucking tasks that will never bring you customers.

Instead sprinkle in some of these quick and easy money-making activities among your big picture marketing plan and watch how more prospects come your way!

#1. Add (and send a personal message to) 25 people in Facebook or LinkedIn to your profile or fan page.

#2. Make 5 follow up phone calls to connect with people in your database, previous clients for referrals or upsells, prospects for new business and more.

#3. Email 3 people asking them if you can speak at one of their upcoming events; include creative ideas so they email you back.

#4. Write a quick, ‘how to’ blog post or article for your blog, ezine or fan page.

#5. Connect via email, Facebook or phone with 2 people who you could do an article swap with, who have complementary businesses to yours … and a list.

#6. Record a video tip about your expertise or something you teach in your coaching/business along with a call to action and get it up on YouTube, linking it out to your social sites and blog too.

#7. Create a new freebie or free teleclass that will be of interest to your target audience and start promoting it for list building.

For more information about Katrina Sawa, go grab your 3 free business-building gifts now online at!