Not many experts share how to deal with money in your biz. I discovered Belinda Rosenblum several years ago and asked her to teach her profit secrets to my high-level clients, and they loved her. Belinda is a CPA and wealth expert who helps you take the worry and fear out of money. She believes life is supposed to be fun, and money is supposed to fund it for you! Hell yeah!
This week I’ve asked her to give quick and doable tips to make more moola ASAP.
This week I’ve asked her to give quick and doable tips to make more moola ASAP.
5 simple steps to making more money in your business – starting TODAY
Those are the best, right? When you can’t wait to hit your computer, you’ve got ideas flowing, and it feels like there’s a ton of momentum in your business.
And then… there are the days where it feels like a slow slog.
What’s the difference?
As an entrepreneur myself – and after working with other business owners – I know one thing’s for sure.
When your business isn’t meeting your money goals, it really sucks the joy out of owning a business.
But what if you could have more money… right now?
Without having to accept clients at bargain-basement rates?
Or by accepting a job you really don’t enjoy doing, just to get by?
It is absolutely possible.
5 ways you can make more money in your business…
1. Raise your rates.
TODAY. Your clients will appreciate what you give them in return, trust me!
2. Repackage your offerings.
For example, if you offer packages of 6 sessions to be used anytime, but you know that people will enjoy the most impact with 1 or 2 regular session each month, then re-price yourself to be a monthly investment.
You get consistent income and your clients get reliable ongoing support and the related confidence that comes from knowing they have you as a safety net. Offer a small pay-in-full discount or bonus and collect more money now.
3. Identify new business lines and client types.
How could you broaden the demographic you serve, or tailor your services to a related specific additional market, and still best serve your clients (just serve more of them!)?
4. Bill for ALL services rendered and collect from ALL your clients.
Don’t shortchange yourself on hours worked and time spent. And yes, even if it was 6-12-18 months ago… just call them, apologize, and work out a payment plan for collection.
5. Get creative about additional services you could offer the “gold mine” that is your past clients.
They hired you once, likely love you, and could welcome an opportunity to work with you again! (Personally, I couldn’t believe how many people came out of the woodwork to re-join with me in the Money Makers Academy.)
Once you let go of the shame and struggle of not earning what you want to in your business, you will actually open yourself up to more money. You begin to take the non-supportive emotions out and replace them with a clear head to make much better financial decisions.
Making more money doesn’t have to be hard.
Your business is a lot more fun when you’re making good money. And money’s a lot better when you understand it and confidently know what to do with it – both in your business and personal finances.
Liked these tips? You’ll love Belinda’s FREE Shift Your Money Destiny Workshop and learn the step-by-step secrets to managing your money.