Tap into the Vein of Infinite Wisdom

Divine Guidance System with Jeanna Gabellini

If you’re…

  • Working too darn hard at manifesting
  • Finding yourself gnawing on big decisions; going around in circles
  • Not clear about the most powerful action steps to increase your income
  • Feeling over or underwhelmed

Then it’s time to create a deeper relationship with your Divine Guidance … your Higher Self. This connection is divine, and of the highest vibration. Your Higher Self wants to guide you to joy, and all the things you desire to manifest. This is also the pathway to your Inner Business Expert. Once you tap into this gold mine, you will never struggle again to make powerful business decisions. You will attract ideal clients, channel creativity and download the perfect plan of action for anything you want to create. Your Divine Guidance is most often the missing link for successfully using the Law of Attraction to intentionally manifest rock star results. If people in business used their Divine Guidance while creating projects, managing their team and marketing, they’d always surpass all goals. And they’d distinguish themselves as Super Star’s in their industry. The interesting part is that when you use your Divine Guidance to unleash your Inner Magician, you end up putting in less hours and elbow grease into any endeavor you choose. The foundation of Divine Guidance is based upon these four premises:

  1. Divine Guidance SystemYou have a Higher Self / Inner Magician that is a part of YOU and operates in the non-physical. This Higher Self loves and adores you and is available to you at all times.
  2. Your Higher Self / Inner Magician communicates with you through your emotional guidance system.
  3. Thoughts and emotions have a vibrational frequency. They help to create your reality. Any subject you give continuous attention to activates a vibration, and it will start to magnetize towards you.
  4. This resource is here to assist you. Ask and then pay attention to the guidance you receive.

These concepts are far from new. But often, it’s difficult to access Divine Guidance when you most need it. Or you may forget. Not anymore.

Wouldn’t you love to UNLEASH Your Inner Magician?!

Buy The Divine Guidance Home Study System Now

Deepening your connection to this powerhouse energy source is the key to manifesting every little and BIG thing you’ve ever wanted to experience.

Nancy Tierney“Jeanna & Bridgette’s Divine Guidance course gave me what I’ve always craved: a direct and dependable connection with my own Divine Guidance. As a result, I’m loving my life, finding new inspiration and ideas every day, attracting new career opportunities and having a blast! My work is easier as creativity flows through me in a way it never did before… and my clients love the results! Plus, anytime I have a question, whether silly or sophisticated, I’ve got a pipeline to the answer! How cool is that! I’ll admit, at first, I thought ‘Only certain people get to have a clear, undeniable connection to their Guidance.’ But this course showed me, step by step, how to move past my doubt and into a magnificent, joyful and playful relationship with my Guide… a relationship that continues to grow and deepen to this day.” Nancy Tierney, Firecracker Communications www.firecrackercommunications.com
Gomati Goodbody“Thank you so much for the delicious coaching. The guided meditations were fun and relaxing. I felt a strong clear connection that I’ve never experienced before.” Gomati
“I’ve opened a new channel of communication with my higher self. I’m using my tools daily, expanding ‘those’ muscles. Before this course I was sailing around aimlessly and now I’m on course. I’m being deliberate, authentic and a powerful nucleus attracting what I set as my intention. My marriage has shifted to a wonderful space! I now have a relationship with my mom (it has been on the rocks or non existent since I was 15!). My hot buttons are gone. I’m grounded everyday again. I’m in love, peaceful, safe, confident, happy and having fun. The synchronicities and miracles are abundant. People are showing differently for me because I have transformed.” Nadine Jackson


Ann E King“This course gave me huge support in crucial moments with my finances, buying my house, shifting my mind set towards money, and with my loving relationship. I know that anything is possible to achieve. Miracles happen. I trust my Divine Guidance, relax and expect results instead of looking at my reality of lack, going mad about it, loosing my patience and being very needy. This course was perfect and I felt very supported. Jeanna’s coaching was very empowering, wise, and quick. I love the combination of Jeanna and Bridget´s teaching/coaching.” Ana Clason, www.clasondelavega-architekten.com
Ann E King“So much abundance from one class…lots of fun, laughter, open and honest real-life examples, coaching, comfort and security. The love and support are palpable. I have transformed the way I operate. I don’t worry anymore; I choose. I also have a noticeable increase in the abundance of every area of my life. I feel like I’ve launched from a sling short into the field of all possibilities.” Ann e. King, KingCityStudio.com
“I wanted to tell you both how much I appreciated this class and your wonderful instruction, contributions and support. Your unique styles melded perfectly to create a very rich learning environment. In addition to you both being awesome, I thought the meditations, groundings, class content and structure to be divine. Tania Hess
Laura Salvaneschi“Thank you Bridget and Jeanna for your love, enthusiasm and caring so much about each one of us. This was the perfect class at the perfect time for me. I’ve received so much more than I would’ve dreamed.” Laura Salvaneschi, www.Innerpowerfulplayers.com
Natalie Ekberg“I have developed new habits around setting intentions, grounding and releasing. I also realize that connection can be an ongoing state. I’m definitely calmer and more trusting. I’m aware of the power I hold and depend on my own judgment/intuition rather than those of other people.” Natalie Ekberg, LBLifeCoaching.com
Kim Nishida“I am so grateful for the Divine Guidance program from Jeanna and Bridget! Before I discovered this program, I had just walked away from my sole income source and was feeling extremely fearful and confused about the future. But once I jumped into the Divine Guidance program, I quickly gained clarity and focus about the direction I wanted to go in life and in business. Suddenly all kinds of “coincidental” connections popped up which led to new clients, one of whom paid me more than $3,000 for a few hours of work. I now feel completely at peace, on purpose, and happy all the time. Thanks, Jeanna & Bridget!” Kim Nishida, HowToDoItNow.com
Jackie Adams

Listen to Jackie Adams’

(aka Agent JLove) testimonial here.

Buy The Divine Guidance Home Study System Now

Learn simple yet powerful ways to connect to your Divine Guidance. Leverage your time and enjoy more spacious days filled with joy, freedom and peace. Develop your skill for tuning into this “inner expert” and it will always be your companion. You will make proactive decisions with spiritual guidance that can always be trusted. No more knee-jerk reactions to people, obstacles or deadlines.

You will be forever in the driver’s seat of a fast track vehicle to manifestation and success.

We know you’re hit all day with choices about “stuff” that’s supposed to make your life better. This system will teach that you have the ability to be your own best expert about all ideas, decisions, business, health and relationships. This is the only product you will ever need to tap into your inner expert. Divine Guidance is your short cut to all good things. Your connection to it will allow you to live your highest and best day every day. The Divine Guidance System is a journey to completely understand, experience and embrace your divinity. The most successful people on the planet are tapped into their Inner Business Magician and the dividends are huge. Plan on experiencing more profits, ease, and ideas handed to you on a silver platter. This ensures higher levels of peace and joy!
Join me, and one of my favorite coaches on the planet (and self-made millionaire), Bridget Engel, in a 9-lesson journey that will train you to easily and consistently tap into YOUR Divine Guidance so you can experience your divinity. It is all knowing and gives you Universal truths, creativity, brilliant ideas and guidance on how to align with the prosperity, relationships and health you desire.

  1. Bridget Engel QuoteMeet your Inner Magician up close & personal
  2. Discover the tools for connecting to your guidance no matter your situation or desired outcome
  3. Create daily success habits that align with your most important goals
  4. Tap into intuitive intelligence
  5. Bust up and release any stories you have about things being hard in your business
  6. Leverage attraction principles to the umpteenth degree
  7. Know the most powerful ways to get solutions and answers from your guidance
  8. Unleash your magic to get the perfect clients, revenues and people to support your business in being the way you always imagined … and better
  9. Ground your energy so you can be laser focused and on purpose
  10. Find the short cuts to energizing your goals and receiving rockin’ results
  11. Snap out of worry and stress in nano seconds
  12. Be excited about your desires without getting attached to the outcome
  13. Delegate all unwanted tasks, ideas and needed solutions over to your Guidance to handle
  14. Step fully into your power and be the CEO of your business and life
  15. Trust more fully that you will always get your intended outcome
  16. Dream and create bigger than you ever have before
  17. Jump on inspired actions immediately

YES! I want be able to easily access my own Divine Guidance 24/7. I want this power house system that includes:

Divine Guidance Star 9 Audio Lessons (MP3)
Divine Guidance Star 34-Page Workbook
Divine Guidance Star Fearless Meditation Cards
Divine Guidance Star Magical Moments Audio Clips (MP3)
Divine Guidance Star 9 Grounding Meditation Audios (MP3)
Divine Guidance Star 12 Visualization Audios (MP3)
Divine Guidance Star “Magic In Action Plan” Worksheet



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Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who supports conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun.

Her top-tier private coaching and sold-out seminars have allowed committed entrepreneurs to blow past their self-imposed limits, ditch the drama of overwhelm and move into radical joy, inner peace and ever-increasing profits.

She is co-author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, which she wrote with Eva Gregory, Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield. Jeanna’s last book, 10 Minute Money Makers: How to Easily Double Your Profits in Just 10 Minutes a Day is available here: www.10MinuteMoneyMakers.com. Her NEWEST book, Rock your Profits: Stress-Free Steps that turn your Biz into a Badass Money-Making Machine released February 9, 2015.


About Bridget Engel: Bridget hails from New Zealand and now lives in Northern California. After an education in business and much success, she followed her Divine Guidance to travel and flew to California with a one-way ticket, two suitcases, and not knowing a person there. Bridget pursued her love of teaching and empowering others and became a Certified Life Coach from the Coaching Training Institute. In addition, she studied under Dr. Doreen Virtue, the renowned Angel teacher, and became a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner. Bridget is also a real estate maven. Her special recipe for success stems from listening to her Divine Guidance and following this inner expert. When Bridget works with her clients she blends her business background, coaching principles, and intuition, and teaches her clients how to partner with their Divine Guidance, which is a short cut to all good things. This is the place that gives you universal truths, creativity, brilliant ideas, and guidance on how to align with the prosperity, relationships, and health you desire. Bridget infuses joy and inspiration with her clients while encouraging them to live outside of their boxes, to play a bigger game, and enjoy their lives to the fullest.


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