
You just made a decision to dive into
The Prosperity Game Home Study Program!


We appreciate your decision and look forward to assisting you in your mission to make manifestation easier!

Everything you need to participate will be located in your Online Resource Center. (Please bookmark this in your browser.)

IMPORTANT: Your Username and Password will be emailed to you. Please allow one hour to receive this, as our system needs to assign your password and do it’s ‘thang’ in the back office. Be sure you have whitelisted ‘info@masterpeacecoaching.com’ in your email program. If you have not received your email one hour after your purchase, please contact our Client Care Wizard: info at masterpeacecoaching.com

Please note: This seat entitles you to the information and materials presented in the class. By purchasing a registered seat in this class, you agree that you will not share our materials with anyone. By opening the Resource Page of this program you are committing to the payment policy. If you need assistance with any part of the program, you’ll ask. You’re 100% in!

Sending you good, no Great!, Vibrations!!!

In support,