Thank You For Your Interest in the Complimentary Audio MP3
‘Transforming From Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader’!
Here’s what you will learn in this audio:
1. How to pinpoint the cause vs the symptoms of what is slowing your business progress
2. The simple truth – where every business owner needs to start in the solution implementation process
3. How to change your business attitude when you feel like you’ve done it all before
4. How to let go of information and task overload and get focused on the things that will truly nurture your business into thriving mode
5. How to shift your money setpoint-this alone could change everything about the way you operate your business
And don’t forget, with our compliments you will also receive free tips and articles in our weekly Flip Your Switch Ezinewhich will assist you in creating a peaceful and profitable business. We promise to never sell, rent, trade, or share your e-mail with any other organization and you may cancel your subscription at any time.
Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach and Chief Rabble Rouser of MasterPeace Coaching. After 20+ years of liberating business owners from the curse of “not enough” and the myth of “hard work pays off,” she knows, without question, you can make massive amounts of money and impact millions (even if you’ve been struggling for years) if you’re willing to flip the switch in your thinking, chuck the old-school rules in the toilet, and stay true to what lights you up and turns you on.