Most people who intentionally use the Law of Attraction are most deliberate about their focus when they’re creating goals for their future. It’s fun because you know that you can go after desires, big or small, and can bring them to reality in record time.

But what happens when things get tough? You know how one major thing can throw you outta your positive vibe and pretty soon you’ve got several major snafus happening at once.

I’m here to tell you that you can emerge triumphantly from under the chaos. The key is to notice when you’re not paying attention to your thoughts and beliefs.

I live, breathe, walk, write, teach, and love the Law of Attraction and I still get caught in the vortex of negative thoughts about what is not working.

Many moons ago, I was appreciating how a cold came and went in a week’s time. But not before I’d lost my voice and had to cancel interviews, planning sessions, and more. I didn’t “catch” a cold. The cold was a result of severe resistance (frustration) I’d experienced during the previous two weeks.

As my vacation to Maui neared, I was fretting over traveling alone the first five days. I knew I needed to throw my concerns about my son Lucky (he was 5 months old at the time) crying on the plane out the door, but they weighed heavily on me. Then I decided to put my 18-year-old dog Roxie down. Ugh!

I bawled my eyes out the entire week… worried that I was making the wrong decision. My bestie, Eva Gregory, kept reminding me that dying was a gift for her, not the tragedy I was making it.

So, you can see how the tension in my life was building. As a result, here’s what happened. Lucky cried and screamed 80% of the plane ride. I have a thing about not disturbing people, so I was totally triggered and stressed to the MAX.

Lucky continued to cry waaaaaay more than usual throughout my entire trip. I feared my neighbors at the condo complex were going to throw me out. Again, my focus was on what I didn’t want, therefore amplifying it. Heck, it became humorous when I burned toast at 5am and the smoke alarm shrieked.

I returned home to a computer that was supposed to be getting a system upgrade but instead all my files were corrupt (unreadable or couldn’t be found). Yes, that would be my business information, photos, music, etc. The backups were full of issues, too. And to top it all off, my BMW that never had problems had a broken starter.

Good goddess! At first I was caught up in trying to solve each problem with different strategies. I would come in and out of remembering that I had to fix my attitude first, not each particular issue. I knew I was in pretty bad shape. I knew it was important to not judge myself and just be okay with being in the middle of major chaos.

In between tears, I asked the Universe to help. I took time out to be alone. I read a book as a diversion to my negative thoughts. I did my best to have fun with Lucky, my mate, Eva, and her mate. I asked for specific support. And finally, I chose to focus on raising my vibration on one issue. Just one. And I let go of everything else.

I decided to trust that my Mac would somehow be better than ever. (It was.) The car would get fixed. (It did.) Lucky went back to being his normal happy self. I missed my dog, but I trusted that I had made the best decision.

I got back on track to naming five or more things a day that went well. I got back to connecting to my inner guidance for powerful insights. I got back to being deliberate about what I wanted each day.

In the midst of it all, I did trust that everything I was experiencing was temporary. This is a very helpful trick to easing your way out of a truly bad funk. I hope I’ve inspired you to be even more deliberate about your focus and to be appreciative about at least one thing each day.

Every little step you take to rerouting your mind to intentionally focus on thoughts and actions that make you feel at ease, relaxed, or inspired is the name of the game.

The Speed Dial the Universe Journal is a powerful structure to help you use the Law of Attraction to deliver what you want each day.