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Marketing Mindset Made Easy! With Jeanna Gabellini

Increase the results from every marketing move you make by upgrading your marketing mindset. It’s what attract clients… or repels them. You’ll get everything you need to make lead and client attraction easier, faster, more enjoyable and 10x more effective… no matter which strategies and tactics you implement.

On this training you will learn about...

  • The Cash Alignment Grid
  • How things change when you use the cash alignment grid (less effort, higher response, icky feeling gone)
  • What you need once you figure out your spot on the cash alignment grid (identify your truth, a custom marketing platform and a strategy)
  • Actual results from using the cash alignment grid
  • Claim your own Cash Alignment Kit!

I’m Jeanna, Master Business Coach and Chief Rabble Rouser of MasterPeace Coaching. After 20+ years of liberating business owners from the curse of “not enough” and the myth of “hard work pays off,” I know, without question, you can attract all the clients you want, make massive amounts of money, and impact millions (even if you’ve been struggling for years) if you’re willing to flip the switch in your thinking, chuck the old-school rules in the toilet, and stay true to what lights you up and turns you on.