If you’ve had it with sweating and slaving away for an income that makes you grumpy…

And if you love the idea of bringing in an extra $30,000 every month by only doing what you love…

Then let me show you how friggin’ easy it is to 10x, 20x, 50x your income in just 30 days without taking on a bunch of crazy-making strategies and energy-sucking to-dos.

10K in 10 Days

A 30-day money-making intensive that shows you how to stop working your butt off for chump change and start bringing in the big buckaroos… any time you want.

10K in 10 Days

A 30-day money-making intensive that shows you how to stop working your butt off for chump change and start bringing in the big buckaroos… any time you want.


Did you know that it’s actually easier to make big boatloads of money than it is to make smaller amounts?

The reason is this: to make massive sums o’ money consistently, you have to let go, line up, and slip into the feel-good flow of doing what you lovewithout pushing, stressing out, or stretching outside your comfort zone.  

I know. You’ve been told that to make more you have to work more. You have to do more. You have to market more. You have to devote long hours and push, push, push yourself to do whatever it takes.  

So… how’s that working for you? 

In 10K in 10 Days you’re going to leave all of the striving, struggling, and sacrifice behind, break free of your old story, and discover how to attract and receive big money any time you want… by chilling out, following your inspiration, and staying true to what you do best.

You’ll discover:  

  • The one thing that prevents you from making gobs of money and how to kick that sucker out of your life once and for all  
  • How to blow the roof off of your upper wealth limits so more money flows effortlessly into your biz 
  • The no-fail, strategy-free formula for attracting money on demand… without adding one second to your workday or one icky task to your to-do list  
  • Teeny-tiny tweaks that create massive leaps in your income, freedom, and fun  
  • The key shift that instantly changes your money story from “barely getting by” to “more than enough”  

Whether your business is brand new or decades old...this program can elevate your income quick! 

In just 30 days, you’ll find yourself in a brand-new reality where it’s easy, fun, and so familiar for you to make lots of money with a lot less effort.

Yes, Let’s do this!

"I booked 2 new 1:1 clients while we were on the mentor call!! That's $2K todayyy!" 

~ Uma Sanghvi

"I just signed up a client for a $2K package!" 

~ Nicole Davidson

"Enrollment closed on this quick-launch program of mine: 44 people total! Total revenue since I opened enrollment 8 days ago: $8,970. Proves you don't really need tons of time to launch something." 

~ Mary Schiller

"Ka-Ching! Just sold a 6 month package at my $1500/mos. - so $9k over the entire contract. And she's totally a 5 star client! And more stuff keeps coming: 4 spots at $4000!!  

Thank you, Jeanna, for helping me bring back the excitement 'round here."  

~ Sarah Michael

"Just totaled my incomes for this month. I exceeded $10k for the second month in a row! And now I’ve just made $74,000 in a DAY!! Thanks, Jeanna!"

~ Marcia Bench 

"I've been blessed with an extraordinary, precious soul new client who paid me in full last night $15,000.00.

~ Sasha Sabbeth - Entrepreneur's Intuition And Purpose Soul Coach Healer

"I booked 2 new 1:1 clients while we were on the mentor call!! That's $2K todayyy!" 

~ Uma Sanghvi

"I just signed up a client for a $2K package!" 

~ Nicole Davidson

"Enrollment closed on this quick-launch program of mine: 44 people total! Total revenue since I opened enrollment 8 days ago: $8,970. Proves you don't really need tons of time to launch something." 

~ Mary Schiller

"Ka-Ching! Just sold a 6 month package at my $1500/mos. - so $9k over the entire contract. And she's totally a 5 star client! And more stuff keeps coming: 4 spots at $4000!!  

Thank you, Jeanna, for helping me bring back the excitement 'round here."  

~ Sarah Michael

"Just totaled my incomes for this month. I exceeded $10k for the second month in a row! And now I’ve just made $74,000 in a DAY!! Thanks, Jeanna!"

~ Marcia Bench 

"I've been blessed with an extraordinary, precious soul new client who paid me in full last night $15,000.00.

~ Sasha Sabbeth - Entrepreneur's Intuition And Purpose Soul Coach Healer

10K in 10 Days: It’s Now Bigger and Better Than Ever.  

Originally, I designed this intensive for my VIP clients to do in 10 days. Which is why (duh!) I called it 10K in 10 Days.

But I noticed two things:

  • It didn’t take 10 days for many of my clients to bring in thousands of dollars in new money. Many experienced windfalls in as little as 1, 2, or 3 days!  
  • But for others, it took 10–25 days to flip their money switch and attract big amounts of cash.

So… I decided… let’s kick things up a notch or two. 

Now, instead of 10 days, we’re going to keep your wealth vibration high and mighty for 30 days so it becomes normal for you to attract and receive big piles of money on demand.

How much extra money do you want to create during this intensive?  

$10,000? $30,000? $100,000? More?

There are truly no limits to what you can make once you know how to flip your money switch, clear out those old stories of “not enough,” and learn how to let the big bucks come rolling in.

<<< Linda Welch used this program to make $100,000 in 5 days, with zero marketing.

The only question you need to ask now is…

How much money will you let yourself receive in 30 days?

And how easy will you let it be?

"A week ago I took inspired action and now 48 people have contacted me and I have the first enrollments! It has never been so much fun for me and required so little effort!" 

~ Monika Birkner 

"Since beginning 10K in 10 days I manifested $2700 when I really needed it and now things have really gotten exciting."

~ Tami Crea 

"Received $2000 unexpectedly today! I’ll take it! #moreplease #thatwaseasy." 

~ Karen Walker

"$9k out of 10K on day 7!" 

~ Teal Elisabeth

"In the past 2 months, I generated $20,000 in unexpected income, $32,300 in sales and received $25,895 in my bank account from clients. That's over $55,000. Woo hoo! Previously highest month this year was 17K." 

~ Terra Christoff

"Woo hoo! I closed another 5K deal yesterday. He said that my level of excitement is what sealed the deal. Thanks, Jeanna and the group for your support. I experienced a 44% increase in sales for the month I was enrolled in the course and it was my biggest revenue generating month in 15 years in my business!"

~ Judy Zimmer

"A week ago I took inspired action and now 48 people have contacted me and I have the first enrollments! It has never been so much fun for me and required so little effort!" 

~ Monika Birkner 

"Since beginning 10K in 10 days I manifested $2700 when I really needed it and now things have really gotten exciting."

~ Tami Crea 

"Received $2000 unexpectedly today! I’ll take it! #moreplease #thatwaseasy." 

~ Karen Walker

"$9k out of 10K on day 7!" 

~ Teal Elisabeth

"In the past 2 months, I generated $20,000 in unexpected income, $32,300 in sales and received $25,895 in my bank account from clients. That's over $55,000. Woo hoo! Previously highest month this year was 17K." 

~ Terra Christoff

"Woo hoo! I closed another 5K deal yesterday. He said that my level of excitement is what sealed the deal. Thanks, Jeanna and the group for your support. I experienced a 44% increase in sales for the month I was enrolled in the course and it was my biggest revenue generating month in 15 years in my business!"

~ Judy Zimmer

Here’s what you’ll receive during our 30-day money-making adventure:

10 Laser-Focused Modules that show you how freakin’ easy it can be to make big money in your biz. (A new module is released every few days to keep you in the flow of more, more, more!)

Transcripts of each module so you can make notes, highlight your ah-has!, and have an easy-to-access reference.

A Money-Making Group call where I'll help you elevate your money mindset, tweak your offers, and keep the money rolling in. A replay of this call will be available.

The 24/7 On-Demand Money-Making Coaching Forum to free you from any old-story sneak attacks or lousy limiting beliefs… and keep you in the groove of big money-making moves.

Here’s what you’ll receive during our 30-day money-making adventure:

10 Laser-Focused Modules that show you how freakin’ easy it can be to make big money in your biz. (A new module is released every few days to keep you in the flow of more, more, more!)

Transcripts of each module so you can make notes, highlight your ah-has!, and have an easy-to-access reference.

A Money-Making Group call where I'll help you elevate your money mindset, tweak your offers, and keep the money rolling in. A replay of this call will be available.

The 24/7 On-Demand Money-Making Coaching Forum to free you from any old-story sneak attacks or lousy limiting beliefs… and keep you in the groove of big money-making moves.

If the idea of making 10K in 10 days excites you… 

And the prospect of making $30,000, $50,000, or even $100,000 in one month sets your soul on fire…

Swoop up this chance to work with me in 10K in 10 Days at 85% off... 

Normally $2,000, but 85% off for this red hot minute!

1 Easy Payment of $297

Normally $2,000, but 85% off for this red hot minute!

Upgrade to VIP!

For those who know in their bones that upleveling their income is a right-freaking-now priority!

This VIP package includes everything above, PLUS...

-> 1:1 Private Mentor Session with our Master Coach ($500 value) You get access to our high-ticket coach who co-created a $10 million business in just a few years! Use this session to get time-tested strategies to uplevel your income to $10,000+ every month.  

-> 6-Figure Launch Debrief ($1,000 value) I’m rolling out the red carpet for this VIP backstage pass to my high-ticket launch debrief! I share everything that worked, what didn’t, and what I’d do different next time. We’ll also dig into a multiple-six-figure launch mindset. I leave no stone unturned! 

-> List Building Fun ($500 value) Social media is great, but growing an email list of future 5-Star Clients is money in the bank! Discover how to go from “little ole me” to widely KNOWN using strategies that will thrill you. Attract your ideal peeps to your list, and they’ll buy over and over.  

Total value of upgrade is $2,000, but you’re getting this at a ridiculously awesome steal!

HELL YEAH! Let's make 10k or more easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

(Includes EVERYTHING on this page!)

BEST DEAL! $497!

As soon as you register, you’ll have access to the 24/7 on-demand money-making coaching forum!

Your first module will be released immediately... Yippeee!

And 30 days after that… you’ll be dancing in the streets, booking your next 3-week vacation, and having the time of your life bringing in those big, beautiful sums of yummy money!

This is a limited-time offer, so jump on it now!

P.S. When you say yes to 10k in 10 Days, you’re choosing to let go of business as usual, swap out your old money story, and create a new reality where you easily and consistently bring in the big amounts of money you really want

If you’re asking… “Can I really do this by only doing what I love?” If you feel shaky or uncertain, just ask yourself, “Am I willing to have what I want? Am I willing to get what I need?” If the answer is yes, then let’s go! Get registered today. You’ll be on your way… with massive support behind you.

Still have questions before you register? Email me personally here.

I’m Jeanna, Master Business Coach and Chief Rabble Rouser of MasterPeace Coaching. After 20+ years of liberating business owners from the curse of “not enough” and the myth of “hard work pays off,” I know, without question, you can make massive amounts of money and impact millions (even if you’ve been struggling for years) if you’re willing to flip the switch in your thinking, chuck the old-school rules in the toilet, and stay true to what lights you up and turns you on.