The Prosperity Game
Get unstuck, upgrade and have fun creating prosperity!
Are you more than ready to kick stress, overwhelm and working hard to the curb?
Would you love to consistently have more than enough money in all of your accounts?
What if you could tap into your power and learn to fully leverage the Law of Attraction?
What if you knew the Universe had your back so there was no need to brace yourself for when the other shoe might drop?
At one time or another, you’ve probably wished that your life was easier. If only you could let resistance and contrast slide off your back like a duck and manifest what you want now, rather than someday, right?
Here is your opportunity to…
discover how to blast through the brick walls of resistance to claim the prosperity that is your birthright.
All in a matter of 3 months! OR – you can set your own schedule.

Coincidence? Not!
Many moons ago, Eva Gregory and I were on a quest to fully live a life of joy using these principles. We hit the jackpot. We stopped working so darn hard. One of us tripled her income in less than a year and the other created a 2.7 million dollar bottom line in the same amount of time.
We knew firsthand what struggle was and we were sick of it! We decided to be our own lab rats and immerse ourselves in a life of deliberately focused thoughts and inspired actions. After seeing our lives transform we were very clear.
We need to teach this stuff! We began teaching a 3-month program called The Prosperity Game. The participants were getting what they wanted and more. One gal manifested seven figures for her non-profit before the class was over! That REALLY raised the bar for what was possible in a short amount of time when you use the principles we teach.
People kept asking for access to this information in a system they could use at home…
Ask and you shall receive.
We took the best of the best material from several different live classes and condensed them into 12 audios and a 90-page playbook … The Prosperity Game Home Study Program.
Look, it’s not complicated to implement this stuff. However, it takes 100% commitment to practice being deliberate with your thoughts and only taking inspired action. It’s a whole new way of living, even for people who say they consciously use the Law of Attraction in their life.
This is about mastery, baby!
Look At What You’ll Learn:
- Change the focus of your thoughts and feelings.
- Ask for exactly what you want and know it’s yours for the taking.
- Connect with and listen to your Inner Guidance to get your spot-on answers and ideal next steps to create abundance in any area of your life.
- Create prosperity consistently, in record time.
Best of all, you learn that living in abundance and prosperity (in all areas of your life) is only a decision away.
As you practice the daily exercises of bringing money into your life and then letting it go, you experience the reality of the three main principles of abundance – attracting what you want in life, enjoying it, and trusting there will always be more than enough.
I have achieved more in this last 12 weeks than
I have in the last two years!
I am able to communicate effectively, regardless of emotional motivation. And not last nor least, I am coming into the knowing of what success feels like to me. I learned that I have mislabeled so much of my behavior with criticism, judgement, and interpretation. And now I am freed to see what is really there and available to be there.”
— Gregory Joseph
There is nothing like having Jeanna and Eva in your ear when
you’re having a bad day…!
To say I truly love this home study course would be an understatement and to say that I have benefited from it immensely would be merely telling you just the beginning of my story. I can’t think of money better spent than The Prosperity Game Home Study Course.”
— Rinatta Paries
I am making more money, keeping more of it…
There is even more but this is the most TANGIBLE stuff. The real power I feel is in the INNER shifts. I am very grateful to our two guides, Jeanna and Eva, for their wonderful energy and BELIEF in our abilities to create new realities! I am making more money, keeping more of it and opportunities are everywhere for a lot more!”
— Sharon Wilson, Founder of “Coaching From Spirit
As master Law of Attraction coaches, we know exactly what it will take for each of the participants to bag their goals. And if you think you have to take massive action and work hard, you’ve come to the wrong place!
It’s time for you to break through into the next level of income, move into the house you want and have relationships that thrive!
There’s a mad manifester in us all.
Manifest in abundance and breathe in excitement.
This is what you came to this planet for.
This program is a fit for YOU if…
This is a win-win program.
There are no compromises.
You CAN have what you want in life and it doesn’t have to be a pain in your bootay to make it happen! Stop the struggle, let go of controlling and let what you want in!
Money is becoming a non-issue!
I am consistently surprised at how a reality continues to unfold that contains all of the most important elements for me, but I also continue to be delighted when it goes above and beyond – almost as if I’m being personally rewarded for my ability to feel good.”
— Stephanie Yost Mentzell
I almost hit my income goal of $10k per month!
As a result of this course, I am calmer, having more fun, and feel ecstatic throughout the day.”
— Brad Warren
I am now in week 8 of the course and blown away…
“The Prosperity Game Home Study System is off the chain in my opinion and has been so instrumental with the awesome amazing shifts I am seeing in my life.
I am now in week 8 of the course and blown away with how great I feel, what I know I am capable of creating, how much more comfortable I am in being me, the awesome desired results I am getting and the awesome desired results that are on their way to me now. Thank you, Eva and Jeanna for creating this awesome program. I think everyone should do this course!”
— Maxine Cadogan, Mississaugo Ontario CANADA
I have so many awesome successes…
Best of all I have many great things to use that I learned from both of you that I use whenever I need. My world is so much more and growing daily from my experience with your Prosperity Game!! Love you both and can’t thank you enough!”
— Kim Raymond
All 3 of my goals manifested BEFORE the course was even over!
1. To have a household assistant (ideally a live in au pair that is from France).
2. Romantic weekend getaways with my hubby.
3. To start my business of my passion.
I hadn’t had time away from my children in 5 years (or more!), and I wanted a week alone but didn’t see how that was going to happen. Within less than a month of putting this out there I got just that and even better! I had 12 days to just me with $3000 to spend! I never thought this could be possible.
A few months later, we received an all-expense paid trip for my husband and me, with 4 nights in a great hotel, airfare and food budget all paid!
All 3 of my goals manifested BEFORE the course was even over! And since then, my husband and I have had a trip to Seattle, California, Vancouver, and lots more! Our relationship is better than ever. We still have our au pair, and my business is underway! And now I have the chance to take the Prosperity Game again, and this time LIVE! Watch out, I have 3 new fiery goals to manifest!”
— Szara Turpel
Don’t wait a minute longer! Prosperity is your birthright. Claim it today and let’s play!
Yes! I’m Ready to Start Living My Dreams!
Here is what is included:
The Abundance Foundation
- Get clear on your destination: claim your top 3 goals.
- How to bump up your vibration with the What-If Up Game™.
- Start attracting more immediately with the Prosperity Account checkbook.
Putting Yourself First: Being in Extreme Self Care
- Why it’s imperative to put yourself first.
- How your ‘selfishness’ enriches the lives of others.
- The art of setting boundaries to increase prosperity.
- Your Pure Pleasure Day™!
Paving the Way to Your Dreams
- Place your order and let the Universe deliver.
- Gather your Universal Team and get them working for you … 24/7.
- The only way to write a To-Do list.
- Amp up your Attractor-Factor by being instead of doing.
Being an Extreme Creator
- Move beyond “okay” and into “amazing”.
- Our tried-and-true Dream Scene Process™ for outrageous manifesting.
- 17 seconds to manifestation.
- Get grooving with the Law of Deliberate Creation.
Changing Your Perspective to Radically Change Your Life
- How to transform any unwanted situation into an enlightened opportunity.
- How to stop resisting what is, turn judgments inside-out and break free of limited thinking.
- How to liberate yourself from knee-jerk reactions, false beliefs and patterns that negatively impact your life.
- How to employ elegant and effective conflict resolution.
Creating Relationships That Flow
- The real nitty-gritty of defining and attracting perfect relationships.
- A 5-Star Creation Process™ to create 5-star relationships.
- Super short-cuts to establishing harmony in all your relationships.
Claiming Perfect Health
- Proof positive that your body always responds to your emotions.
- Choosing how you want your body to be.
- What Perfect Health is to you.
- Shortcuts to attract your own perfect health now.
Raising Your Vibration
- The Focus Track™ to skyrocket your Joy-O-Meter™ off the charts!
- How to step out of your old reality and into the new.
- Find delight and delicious prosperity in Paying It Forward.
- How to use contrast to spark inspiration and appreciation.
Choosing and Claiming
- What to do if what you want still hasn’t shown up.
- How to take control of your point of attraction.
- How to apply “The Work” to clear any energetic obstacles.
- Move beyond “acting as if” into “what must be.”
Taking Extreme Inspired Action
- Where do inspired actions come from?
- Looking, leaping and succeeding with inspired action.
- The Abundance Technique™: 9 Steps to Outrageous Abundance.
- Why you cannot fail.
Relaxing … Doing Nothing
- The essential step to manifesting what you want.
- How to stop the negative chatter around your goals and desires.
- Laying out the welcome mat for inspiration, insight and inner wisdom.
- How to let go, find peace and thoroughly enjoy your life right now!
Taking the Leap of Faith – Jump and the Net Will Appear
- Your Before & After Picture: Your new reality – extreme prosperity.
- How to set yourself up to win: the Picture Perfect Solution™.
- Soaring into your prosperous future.
Plus, you will receive:
Bonus Interviews from the Jeanna and Eva Show with:
Bob Proctor, Abraham from Abraham-Hicks!, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield
Jeanna and Eva raised the bar (and the vibration) to a whole new level by interviewing the most mind-blowing experts in the Law of Attraction ever!

Exclusive 60-Minute Audio Interview with Bob Proctor
For 40 years, Bob Proctor has focused his entire agenda around helping people create lush lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness. In this very intimate and passionate interview he shares his personal stories, lessons on intuition, super learning, re-programming your mind, health and attracting money. Talk about power packed!

Exclusive 60-Minute Audio Interview with Abraham from Abraham-Hicks!
Abraham talks with callers about how to use the Law of Attraction regarding money, finding employment, writing a book, creativity, addiction and more money. As always, the best information on the planet about the Law of Attraction.

Exclusive 60-Minute Audio Interview with Mark Victor Hansen
Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the mega-bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series and The One Minute Millionaire gives a powerful interview about thinking BIG, business, creating money and your soulful purpose. This is one of our favorite interviews!

Exclusive 60-Minute Audio Interview with Jack Canfield
Best-selling author, Jack Canfield talks about the major stumbling blocks to asking and simple techniques to overcome them. He shreds the concept of rejection. Jack shares inspiring stories about people who have succeeded by asking for what they want. Pump up your level of confidence after listening to this! Ask, ask, ask!

Ready to Get Started? Here’s How to Invest in Your Own Excellence!
YES! Jeanna, I’m ready to allow myself to receive everything I want with more fun and ease!
I can’t wait to receive…

12 Prosperity Game Lessons
90-page Prosperity Game Playbook
Prosperity Game Templates
Bonus interviews with Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson and Abraham of Abraham-Hicks!
6 Payments
Every 30 DaysFull Pay!
Best ValuePayPal Credit
No payment or interest for 6 monthsNOTE: Jeanna and Eva have personally used the processes and principles in The Prosperity Game to successfully sell a software company, establish thriving coaching practices, create six-figure incomes, write books, and co-host their own radio show. In other words, they have put the principles to work and seen tangible results. You can do the same!
The Prosperity Game Home Study Program is truly an investment in your future. It’s the opportunity to gain the financial freedom you have always longed for.
Don’t just imagine what it would be like to live the ultimate lifestyle. Order The Prosperity Game Home Study Program TODAY and start living it for real!
About Jeanna and Eva
Their book, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, was co-authored with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup fame and one of the featured teachers on the blockbuster DVD, “The Secret”, and can be found in bookstores everywhere.
Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who makes it effortless and exciting for conscious entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more. Leveraging attraction-based principles, revolutionary mindset strategies, and over 20 years of business success, she has helped thousands of entrepreneurs consistently increase their profits, create more wealth, and have a lot more fun building a business they love.
Jeanna is the co-author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, along with Eva Gregory, Mark Victor Hansen, and Jack Canfield. Her newest books are 10 Minute Money Makers and Rock Your Profits.